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How to deliver good PowerPoint Presentations

Zuletzt aktualisiert Jan 21, 2023 Quelldatei anzeigen


Key points from this video:

2:32 Examples of bad slides.
3:46 “90% of what you said was gone in 30 seconds” if your slides looked like these bad examples.
6:15 One message per slide!
7:20 “1 + 1 = 0” -> “Redundancy Effect” -> If what you’re saying (verbal script) is also written on your slides, your audience will get 0 info.
8:05 Purpose of your slides: short, sweet bit of text and an image.
8:36 Your eyes focus on moving objects, signaling colours (red/orange/yellow), contrasting objects, and big objects.
9:32 Slide title is often the biggest object, but rarely the most important.
10:26 The biggest parts of your slides should be the most important part of your presentation.
10:40 U S E C O N T R A S T to control your audience’s attention.
10:46 Don’t use light backgrounds. Use dark backgrounds and light text! Light background steal too much attention (e.g., from the speaker).
14:12 Your brain needs to “count” if there are 7 or more objects, but not if there are only 6 or fewer. Your brain can simply “see” the 6 objects.
14:42 Counting takes 500% more cognitive resources than just seeing.
15:40 The magic number is 6. The max number of objects per slide should be 6.
18:28 The number of slides is rarely the problem. The problem is often the number of objects per slide.